Friday, December 01, 2017


"The mandala is a symbol of individuation.
The energy of the central point is manifested in the compulsion and the need almost irresistable to become what we Are."
C.G. Jung

For your inner journeys, OrganiKarT proposes thangkas from Nepal. The thangkas (things that unrolls) are all hand made following traditional and ancestral techniques. Originally, schools of monks were painting them while reciting mantras. Thangkas are a meditation tool, the goal being to recenter your Self. Done with the distractions of life, thangkas are a moment of tranquility and peace.

Offering yourself a thankgkas, 10% will be donated to the association Funky Buddha Hands, which supports social and creative activities in Nepal. Give yourself a gift while giving a hand to others. It's a little piece of journey, inside and outside. The main thing being to be kind to your Self.

Sizes and prices vary. For any questions, contact Organikart on fb.

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