Article en francais ici.
A good bye and good trip to Henri Grouès, also called the Abbé Pierre.
Voted for many years as the French favorite man; a wwII resistant, a rebel Capucin priest who dared saying yes to condoms, a direct disorder to the Pope's orders; creator of Emmaus, an international organization helping the needy; an inspiration leaves this world for his next trip.
Famous for his cry out to help in the cold winter of 1954, when a woman died freezing in the snow after getting evicted from her room. From this event he fought to pass a law that made it illegal to evict someone during too cold weathers.
L'abbé Pierre died at 94, living this world a better place for all those he helped, and for those that will be helped by his services which will outlast him by many thanks and prayers.
Bon voyage l'abbé...
Quotes from the abbé:
"Hell is the others" wrote Sartres. I am intimately convinced that it is the opposite. Hell is oneself cut from the others. "
"The responsability of each of us implies 2 things: to want to know and to dare saying it"
"We can not, under the pretext that it is impossible to do everything in one day, do nothing at all"
"L'Abbé Pierre (born Henri Antoine Grouès in Lyon) (August 5, 1912 - January 22, 2007), France. Abbé (which means father and is also found in abbot) is a courtesy title given to a Catholic priests...."
Read the rest of his bio here:
Picture by Henri Cartier Bresson:
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