Plats de racines d'hiver, excellent plat de saison. Recette en francais à venir.
Winter dish of local roots, excellent season's dish.
For first recipe:
Winter roots dish: many roots are underused by people, especially in Europe, where in some countries, the roots are associated with the bad memories of the war and being hungry and poor. Yet the roots are a great provider of many needed nutrients and vitamines, so, use this winter, to re-discover the wonderful and savory world of roots.
Take any roots you find in your local market. Parsnip, beets, various types of patatoes, carrots, celery root, and more.
Cut them in equal shapes (so they all cook alike).
Add ginger, garlic, curry if you'd like, your fav spices.
Fry the mix.
Extra: add green beans, or whatever greens you might want to add, also it adds color.
Serve hot, or cold as a salad. Sprinkle with some seeds of your choice, and enjoy this simple and nourrishing winter dish!
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