Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Cela fait un moment que je n'ai pas ecris. Un moment aussi que je n'ai pas etais sur ce blog. Je m'amuse un peu avec la nouvelle interface, je fais mes petits tests habituels, et je me lance. Une photo pour le top de la page, des rizieres a l'ouest du nepal. Il faudrait vraiment que j'organise mes ecrits, peintures et autres creations dans un coin, au lieu d'avoir des trucs ici et la. Enfin, cela viendra avec le temps, peut etre un jour a la retraite je prendrais le temps pour ranger ma vie. Je vois que la nouvelle interface a une correction d'orthographe, tres bien, cela me servira.
Novembre, l'hiver est la. J'ai un peu de temps a moi, je me retrouve seule, et cela me fait du bien. Les journees de Kathmandou sont pleines de soleil, rechauffant tout de sa chaleur, les nuits froides et bonnes sous une couverture epaisse. Ayant un peu de temps a moi, je me retrouve, me recentre comme on dit. Me demande quelle est la prochaine etape de ma vie, dans quelle direction aller, mais cela, je me le demande toujours.
Alors, je prends le temps de voir mes amis, mais surtout, je prends le temps de lire, quelques tentatives d'ecritures commencent meme a voir le jour, de regarder des films et d'etre tranquille. J'organise des photos, j'organise mes pensees, je flanne et je feniasse, bref, je me reconstruit un peu et ca fait du bien.
Pour premiers tests, publions ces quelques mots et continuons de jouer;)
Monday, February 28, 2011
New place
They say good things never come alone. As if a new shop, Funky Freaks, wasn't enough, we also got a new apartment.
Welcome to the new place.
One bedroom and one living room where we can all eat. After 5 years of moving from room to room, it is much enjoyable to sit for a little while, wake up and make coffee or tea.
Here is Zen and Narkul making dinner.
The kitchen has a real sink, with running water, and gaz cooking. The bathroom even has gaz hot water.The hallway to home...wawawouhhhh! Let's get cooking and relaxing:)
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Jacek Yerka
Let's take a trip to yerkaland with polish artist painter Jacek Yerka.
Thanks Jacek for sharing:)
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Talking tree
“The secret of life is in art.” Oscar Wilde
A talking tree sits in all of us. It's this part of us, growing, learning, every day a new day. The tree knows all, rooted, standing the passing seasons. The tree digs deep inside the Earth and elevates it's branches to the sky.
The tree is us. Each leaf a thought, each branch an area of learning. As the seasons pass, we drop our leaves, letting the old ideas pass, in order to let room for new thoughts, which will also go, as next season comes.
Don't hold too tight to your thoughts, let them float to the winds. New thoughts will come, blossom, and go. Their impermanence being part of their beauty.
So go look for yourselves, create, find new selves, let them go, start again. So goes the song of the talking tree. Your Self is the ultimate creator, the one giving form to your many selves. Just remember not to get lost in your creations, for they are just that, leaves on a tree...
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Friday, February 04, 2011
Hommage to Magritte and the surrealists.
"My painting is visible images which conceal nothing; they evoke mystery and, indeed, when one sees one of my pictures, one asks oneself this simple question 'What does that mean'? It does not mean anything, because mystery means nothing either, it is unknowable."
René Magritte
René Magritte
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